Lesson 4: Editing Basics

Not so tough so far, is it? TextWrangler works the way you expect a Mac program to work; there are just more features. This trend will continue for the first part of our next lesson, but we will soon be covering new territory. The features we'll cover still work in a Mac-like way; it's the features themselves that may be unfamiliar, since most word processors don't have them. Have no fear; that's why we're here.

Inserting and Deleting Text

To insert or enter text in TextWrangler, you just type. If there's a selection, the first character you type will replace the selection, or you can press Delete to delete the selected text first. As in a word processor, you should press Return only at the end of each paragraph (or at the end of each line of computer source code). All this should be familiar to you from other Macintosh programs.

As you insert text, TextWrangler will either soft-wrap lines to the window width (or to some other width you chose in the Text Options dialog) or horizontally scroll the document window so you can see lines that are too long to fit. This behavior is controlled by the Soft Wrapping options of the Text Options dialog, which we covered in lesson 3. (We will talk more about wrapping in the next lesson.)

Copying and Moving Text

TextWrangler provides two ways to move or copy text. The clipboard is the good old-fashioned Mac way of moving or copying data from one place to another--whether that place is elsewhere in the same document, in another TextWrangler document, or in another application entirely--and TextWrangler works just the way you expect.

You can Cut selected text (removing it from the document and putting it on the clipboard) or Copy it (leaving it in the document and copying it to the clipboard). Once you've done that, you can paste the new clipboard contents elsewhere in the document. When you paste, the text on the clipboard replaces the selected text (if any is selected), or is inserted at the insertion point (if no text is selected). A copy of the text remains on the clipboard after you paste, so you can paste it as many times as you want.

Drag-and-drop is a different way of moving text that doesn't use the clipboard. TextWrangler supports this method, too. Select text, place the pointer inside the selection, and hold down the mouse button as you drag it to a new location in the document. The insertion point follows along to show you exactly where the text will end up after it's moved. If you hold down the Option key while dragging, you copy the text instead of moving it.

Of course, you can also drag between windows, even when the windows are in different applications. In order for this to work, both applications need to support the drag-and-drop feature. Most applications do support this for basic operations, but not every program supports it everywhere.

When you drag text to the Finder, the Finder creates a special kind of file, called a clipping file, that holds the text. When you double-click a clipping file in the Finder, it will open a display window to show the clipping's contents rather than launching an application.

You can drag the clipping file to any window that will accept dragged text, and the result will be just as if you dragged the text that the clipping contains. A folder of text clippings can be a handy way to store boilerplate text that you'll use over and over.

When should you use the clipboard for moving or copying text, and when should you use drag-and-drop? That depends on which you're most comfortable with. If you're a mouse person, you may like drag-and-drop best. If you prefer to keep your hands on the keyboard while dealing with text, you may gravitate toward using the clipboard, because you can use it without ever touching the mouse. However, if you need to move or copy text but have something on the clipboard you want to keep, drag-and-drop will save you from having to paste the current clipboard contents somewhere out of the way and recopy them later. It's situations like these, which happen with surprising regularity, that will make you glad TextWrangler supports both methods.

Clipboard and drag-and-drop support are found in every Mac program worth its salt. TextWrangler, though, goes above and beyond the call of duty.

TextWrangler starts by enhancing the Cut and Copy commands. If you hold down Shift while performing a Cut or Copy, the selected text does not replace the text on the clipboard. Instead, the selection is added to the end of the text already on the clipboard. TextWrangler calls this behavior "Cut & Append" or "Copy & Append." (Pull down the Edit menu and note that the menu item names actually change when you press the Shift key.)

By holding down the Shift key while cutting or copying, you can accumulate bits of text from all over the document, in any order you like--even from more than one document. When you're done, they're all on the clipboard, ready to be pasted in one place. If you need to rearrange a document, this can be a real timesaver.

Like the Finder, TextWrangler has a Show Clipboard command on the Edit menu. Choosing it opens a window that displays the current contents of the clipboard. But unlike the Finder, where the display is merely for your information, you can actually select and drag text from the Clipboard window to other TextWrangler windows. This way, you don't need to paste the entire clipboard; you can pick and choose which parts you want to go where by selecting and dragging.

At the top of the Clipboard window is a pair of arrows and a couple of numbers in parentheses. This is your clue that TextWrangler actually has more than one Clipboard--six, to be precise. Each time you use the Cut or Copy command, the text is placed on the next clipboard in sequence. This way, you can always paste the last six things you cut or copied. By default, the Paste command pastes from the last clipboard you put something on. (This way, if you don't care about the multiple clipboards, TextWrangler works just like you expect.)

You can choose a different clipboard by clicking the arrows in the Clipboard window, or by using the Next/Previous Clipboard commands on the Edit menu. There's also a Paste Previous Clipboard command, which you can access by holding down the Shift key while you select Paste or as you press Command-V.

Last but not least, TextWrangler accepts drags of all types of files from the Finder--not just text clippings. The contents of text files are inserted at the drag location. If you drag a folder, a list of the items in the folder is inserted (contents of subfolders are indented by tabs under their parent folder's name). You can also insert file contents, or folder listings, by choosing the appropriate type of item from the Insert menu of the Edit submenu, rather than dragging them.

Working with Rectangular Selections

Between this lesson and the last, we've covered the basics of selecting and moving text. Everything we've done so far has treated text as line-based--when you select text, you select the contents of one line before moving on to the next. This is the way English and other European languages work.

Sometimes, though, it's useful to think in terms of rectangles, blocks of text that include parts of several lines. If you work with tabular data, you are probably dealing with documents like the one below.

The sample document "Rectangular Selections", which you'll find included with this tutorial, contains four columns of text. In this exercise, we'll use TextWrangler's rectangular selection capability to select just the bottom left column (the one that says "This text goes in the middle") and move it in between the top left and top right columns. To do this using the regular selection tools would require five cut-and-paste operations, since you'd have to do each line separately. With rectangular selection, you can move the whole column in one operation.

So let's get started.

First, make sure that the document you're working with is not soft-wrapped, because you cannot make rectangular selections if the Soft Wrap Text option is on. If it is, you may need to turn this option off and reformat your text before proceeding.

Once your document is ready, start by selecting a column of text. To do so, hold down the Option key while dragging over the bottom left column, until you get a selection that looks like this:

Now Cut the selected text using the Edit menu or by pressing Command-X.

Next, we need to make a selection to tell TextWrangler where to paste the text we just cut. To do this, move the arrow pointer just to the left of the top right column, press the option key, press the mouse button, and drag straight down until you have a very thin vertical selection just to the left of the whole column, as shown below.

Now you're ready to paste the middle column in. So, paste! Here's the result:

Mission accomplished!


Some word processors also have rectangular selection tools. These work a little differently from TextWrangler, so it's worth noting the difference. Typically, when you copy a rectangular selection of text to the clipboard in these programs, they make a mental note that the clipboard came from a rectangular selection rather than a line-by-line selection. Then, when you paste, they paste the text in a block fashion, even when you haven't made a rectangular selection to paste into.

TextWrangler doesn't do this. When you copy a rectangular selection to the clipboard, TextWrangler turns it into a series of individual lines (use Show Clipboard to see). That's why, when you paste, you have to make a rectangular selection first, so TextWrangler knows to paste the text in a block fashion. (Try the above exercise without making a selection before pasting to see what TextWrangler would otherwise do.) Though this takes an extra step when pasting, TextWrangler's method is more flexible, because you can select text as lines and then paste it as a block, or vice versa.

Undo, Undo, Undo, Undo, ...

If you've been following along with us and trying out TextWrangler's features as we describe them, you've probably got a window open with some stuff in it you typed, dragged in from the Finder, and proceeded to mangle in various ways. Maybe you've made dozens or even hundreds of changes. TextWrangler was watching carefully while you made every single one of those edits.

Most Macintosh programs let you undo the last operation you performed. TextWrangler lets you undo more than one operation. In most cases, many more than one. In fact, TextWrangler will use as much free memory as your computer has to remember changes you've made to documents. In many situations, this is every move you've made since you opened the document.

Try it. Choose Undo from the Edit menu. (Notice that the Edit menu helpfully displays exactly what you will be undoing.) Then again. And again. And again... Odds are good that you will be able to get back to your starting point: a new blank document, or the document you opened from disk. (TextWrangler doesn't save undo history when you close a document, so you can't undo backward past the most recent opening of a document.)

But TextWrangler isn't content to just let you go backward in time. You can go forward as well, by choosing Redo from the Edit menu, or pressing Command-Shift-Z.

TextWrangler does place some limits on what you can redo, however. If you Undo one or more steps and make changes to the document, you will be unable to redo any of the steps you undid. This is because TextWrangler's Undo feature stores the difference in the document before and after each edit. If you change the document, the difference between the edited document and the next Redo step can no longer be combined to produce the "correct" document.

Think about it for a moment. Suppose you changed all occurrences of the letter "a" in a document to "e." Then you undid that and deleted all the text in the document. What would you expect to happen if you chose "Redo"? Should all the text come back (with all its "e"s )? But that would undo the change you just did, and you didn't tell TextWrangler to undo that. Should it change all the "a"s to "e"s in the current (blank) document? That's not very useful. There's no really good answer to the question of what should happen if you Redo after performing a new Undo-able edit.

And that's why TextWrangler doesn't let you do it. It's not unlike a time-travel movie--once you've changed the past, you can no longer easily return to the same future. You have a choice after every Undo: you can Redo (essentially undoing the Undo), or you can make an edit. Once you have chosen the branch of reality on which you edited the document, the branch on which you redo your discarded actions is no longer available to you.

Moving On

You've just taken your first real step in understanding the power of TextWrangler. Although TextWrangler's basic editing functions all work in a very Macintosh way, TextWrangler extends and enhances these functions far beyond what you may be familiar with from word processors.